Friday, December 5, 2008

Q: Why are you starting this blog? - DD

A: I started this blog because, really, sometimes you just need another opinion. If you're anything like me, you like to talk things nauseum...over and over again, analyzing every excruciating detail, until you land on a conclusion that's completely irrational. And if you talk about it enough, it'll actually start to make sense. I find it cathartic to a certain degree. Some people have yoga, I have complete, all consuming obsessions.

Even I know there's a point where enough's enough. That's when you need an outside point of view to just lay it out there...sparing no feelings and deal with it. Usually then there's some clarity in addition to mental relief (or anguish, but hey at least you can stop obsessing).

My roommate suggested that I have some sort of Dear Abbey complex. Could be, but I know there were times where I wished there was someone, anyone, other than my friends I could talk to that would just listen.

I'm no Dear Abbey. I'm sympathetic. Think of this blog like a friend on demand. As I've learned, friends tire from hyper-discussions of the same topic. Again and again...and again. So use me. Write me. Tell me what the bastard did to you or how you were wronged at work. I am always game for a little gossip. Did I mention I believe in Karma and am quite good at plotting? =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart the concept of this blog!